According to the SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), of those who abused prescription painkillers in 2020, they do it to reduce physical pain.

65% people want to get rid of pain by using drugs when 11.3 percent of people reported using drugs improperly as a way to get high.

Patients who misuse prescription drugs do so by using them in ways other than those advised by their physician.

It could appear as if one is taking a prescription that was prescribed to someone else or one's own at higher or more frequent doses or for a longer period of time.

According to data from SAMHSA, Zinnia Health classified opioid analgesics, also known as opioid painkillers, as the most frequently abused prescription medications in the country.

 These medications not only alleviate pain but also strongly activate the reward centres in the brain. So stop the habit right away.

causing the euphoric release of endorphins and other feel-good emotions. Prescription opioids, and all opioids for that matter, are extremely addictive because of this.

Long-term opioid use might raise a patient's tolerance level for a given medication. And gets euphoria as they would with lower tolerance, which makes the medicine less effective.