The two highest-ranking members of the Canadian government praised Francis's answer to the residential schools while simultaneously criticising it.

They pressed for an apology that went farther in addressing the cruelty that took place at the schools, which were frequently run by the Catholic Church.

The pope's apology, according to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, was insufficient in addressing the experiences of indigenous children, 

as he explained in detail what the residential schools did to them. Have a look on the discourse.....

"These children were separated from their families and communities while attending residential schools, where they suffered in silence and isolation.

And worse, deprived of their identity, language, and culture," Trudeau remarked at a meeting with the pope on Wednesday in Quebec City.

And worse, deprived of their identity, language, and culture," Trudeau remarked at a meeting with the pope on Wednesday in Quebec City.

And worse, deprived of their identity, language, and culture," Trudeau remarked at a meeting with the pope on Wednesday in Quebec City.

In an effort to repair the church's reputation after its role in residential schools, which separated and abused indigenous children,

In an effort to repair the church's reputation after its role in residential schools, which separated and abused indigenous children,

Prior to his Friday return to the Vatican, the pope is scheduled to pay a visit to Quebec's Notre-Dame de Quebec Cathedral on Thursday.