Three former Minneapolis police officers, including Lane, 39, were found guilty earlier this year of denying Floyd his right to medical attention while Floyd was shackled

On May 25, 2020, their top officer, Derek Chauvin, held an unarmed Black man, age 46, behind his knee for more than nine minutes

Floyd's murder, which was seen on camera in Minneapolis, triggered anti-racism demonstrations and calls for police reform throughout the United States and beyond

According to The Associated Press, the prosecution has asked U.S. District Judge Paul Magnuson to sentence Lane to between 5 1/4 and 6 1/2 years in prison

Thao were also found guilty of failing to step in to stop 46-year-old Chauvin from hurting Floyd physically

Lane did not face that allegation despite being heard twice on film asking his other police if they should put Floyd onto his side

Chauvin knelt on Floyd's neck, Kueng on his back, Lane grabbed his legs, and Thao kept onlookers at bay as Floyd was being restrained

In an effort to place the blame on Chauvin, a 19-year Minneapolis Police Department veteran, Lane, Kueng, and Thao each testified at their trial in February