The Department of Health and Human Services stated on Thursday, August 4, that the monkeypox epidemic is a public health emergency in the US.

The announcement comes about two weeks after the World Health Organization designated the virus's global spread as a Public Health

Emergency of International Concern on July 23. The virus can produce painful sores, a rash that resembles pimples or blisters, and more.

The Biden-Harris administration can speed up its reaction to the spread of monkeypox thanks to the emergency status, which includes enhancing

vaccine production and distribution, opening up access to monkeypox treatments, and making testing "more convenient," according to the White House.

In a tweet posted on August 4th, President Joe Biden stated that the action is "vital to tackle this outbreak with the urgency it merits."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that as of August 4 there were 7,102 confirmed cases of monkeypox across the country.

With somewhat more than 1,000 instances reported in the middle of July, there are now around 6,000 more cases than there were just a few weeks earlier.

Everyone is susceptible to contracting monkeypox. Jynneos and ACAM2000,  against smallpox, are the two vaccines that are currently accessible for monkeypox.

ACAM2000 is "ample" available in the United States, although the CDC advises against giving it to persons who have specific medical conditions.

As of August, more than 602,000 doses of the Jynneos vaccine had been sent to various states and authorities.