Ra Medical Systems increased by 39%. It's a novel concept to fully understand. Take a peek at the narrative.

Shares of Ra Medical Systems Inc. increased by 39% to 43 cents after the firm acquired 510(k) clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration for its DABRA 2.0 catheter.

The manufacturer stated that there are currently no plans to commercialise the DABRA 2.0 and that the catheter 

"represents an interim step in our work to build a guidewire-compatible version of the DABRA catheter."

"represents an interim step in our work to build a guidewire-compatible version of the DABRA catheter."

Ra Medical announced on June 6 that it terminated 65% of its full-time employees. It also stated that non-terminated employees received

conditional retention offers for a period of around 60 days while the company assessed its immediate staffing requirements.

The DABRA excimer laser and catheters are produced by Ra Medical Systems for the treatment of specific vascular disorders.

The DABRA excimer laser and catheters are produced by Ra Medical Systems for the treatment of specific vascular disorders.

The FDA has approved DABRA for use in patients with symptomatic infrainguinal lower extremity vascular disease to bridge chronic complete occlusions.

 Its intended application is to ablate a channel in patients with occlusive peripheral vascular disease.