Baby Born With Two Penises And No Anus Stuns Doctors In Pakistan. Let us have a detailed facts on this matter.

A baby born with two penises has stunned doctors in Pakistan. He was diagnosed with a rare medical condition called diphallia and could pass urine from both penises.

A baby born with two penises has stunned doctors in Pakistan as the infant could use them both.

The baby has two "normal shaped" genital parts due to a rare medical condition called diphallia. The infant had no anus to pass stool.

Only 100 cases of diphallia have been recorded in medical literature, with the first dating back to 1609.

Doctors said that one penis was one centimetre longer than the other and both could pass urine, Daily Mail reported.

The medics conducted an operation to create an opening with a colonoscopy so he could pass stool.

The baby boy was treated at the Children's Hospital at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences.

The baby was taken to the hospital's emergency department straight after he was born. His family has no history of birth defects.

The boy had a single urinary bladder attached to two urethras, allowing him to pass urine from both penises.

The boy was under observation for two days after the surgery. He was then discharged and a follow-up appointment was arranged.