With the use of AR technology on the retailer's app, Walmart customers will now be able to virtually try on clothing from the comfort of their homes.

Customers must provide a full-body photo of themselves for the new Be Your Own Model experience in order to generate a realistic simulation of how an item of apparel would look on their own bodies

Due to the company's acquisition of the Zeekit virtual try-on platform last year, the functionality can recognize where the cloth should drape and where shadows should fall.

There are six distinct colors, seven different sizes, and two sleeve lengths available for a single shirt.

In a press release announcing the new feature, Walmart claims that its technology "captures all the differences and illustrates how they look uniquely on each individual."

There are also items from a few high-end national labels, including Levi's, Champion, and Hanes, that can be tried on.

Walmart deployed the Zeekit virtual fitting room technology for the first time in March as part of its less intimate Choose My Model experience.

However, it allowed the client to choose from one of 50 various female models with a range of skin tones.......

........ heights between 5 feet 2 inches and 6 feet tall, and sizes from XS to XXXL rather than electronically dressing them.

You can also try on clothing from a few high-end national brands, such Levi's, Champion, Hanes, and many more.

For customers who don't feel comfortable sharing their own photos, Walmart will continue to offer this tool.