Wordle Word Finder
Enter your hints below:
🟩 Correct Letters
Letters in the correct position (green tiles):
🟨 Misplaced Letters
Letters in the word but wrong position (yellow tiles):
⬛ Excluded Letters
Letters not in the word (black tiles):
🔠 What is Wordle?
Wordle is a daily word game 🎮 created by Josh Wardle, a Brooklyn-based software engineer. The goal is to guess a five-letter word in six tries, using clues from the color of the tiles. You can play Wordle on the web at The New York Times or Wordle Today.
🎮 How to Play Wordle Today?
To play Wordle today, you need to enter a five-letter word and press Enter. You will see the tiles change color to indicate if your letters are in the target word and in the right position.
A green tile means you got it right, a yellow tile means the letter is in the word but not in the right spot, and a gray tile means the letter is not in the word. You have six chances to guess the word. You can share your score on social media using a grid of colored squares.
🔍 Recent Wordle Solutions: Stay Updated with Today’s Answers and Past Days’ Solutions
We will regularly update and provide the most recent Wordle answer for today along with Wordle answers from the recent days. Read: NYT Wordle: How to Play on Twitter | Can I Play Wordle in Europe?
🕵️ Spoilers Ahead: Today’s Wordle answer is at the bottom of this page.
🅦🅞🅡🅓🅛🅔 Today Answer #1278 December 18, 2024
2024/12/18 #1278: HEFTY