What are the Top 5 WordPress Common Errors and How to fix them?

To Start With

WordPress is really simple to use, however there are certain typical problems that might be frightening. The good news is that the WordPress error you are currently seeing on your website has probably already been reported and fixed by someone else.

We at WPBeginner have prepared guides on how to correct a number of common WordPress blunders. The Top 5 WordPress Common Errors will be covered in this article, along with instructions on how to correct each one.

Please go through it carefully for overcoming such issues. Read:  What are the Best Web Hosting Services  Based in Australia in 2022? 

WordPress Not Sending Email Issue

Your WordPress hosting server’s incorrect configuration for the use of the PHP mail() function is the most frequent cause of WordPress’s failure to deliver email. Many email service providers utilise a variety of technologies to stop email spam, even if your hosting is set up to use that function.

These programmes try to determine whether an email is actually coming from the address it claims to. However, emails sent from WordPress websites frequently fail this test and land in recipients’ spam folders. We advise utilising SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) when sending emails using WordPress in order to resolve this problem.

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The PHP mail() function is not utilised by SMTP. Instead, it makes advantage of proper authentication, which increases the rate at which emails are delivered. Read Also: What is Facebook’s Task Mate App (App Review)? How to Earn Online Money in 2022

Facebook Incorrect WordPress Thumbnail

Facebook may not be able to accurately predict which thumbnail to use for WordPress posts and pages due to a variety of factors. On its platform, Facebook displays your material using open graph (og) tags.

The fact that your featured image is smaller than your other images and you have many images specified in the og:image tag may be one cause of this problem. With a WordPress SEO plugin like All in One SEO, this is simple to fix.

Your site will automatically add the appropriate open graph tags, fixing the problem with the missing thumbnails. Installing and activating All in One SEO is the first step.

Here is a tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin in case you need it. Next, you must enable the feature that permits the plugin.

WordPress White Screen of Death

A plain white screen without an error message is the typical outcome of the WordPress white screen of death problem. This is particularly perplexing because there isn’t any error message or code to show where something might have gone wrong.

This problem is typically caused by a PHP memory restriction or a server setup issue. Additionally, you probably only see the white screen on specific pages of your website. Check if your other websites have the white screen of death error first if you have many WordPress websites hosted on the same server.

If they do, there’s a good probability your website hosting company is the cause of the problem. The issue may only be momentary and soon resolve itself.

WordPress Memory Exhausted Error

A script or WordPress plugin that is over the default memory size limit may be to blame if you encounter an error message that reads something like, “The WordPress Memory is Exhausted.”

The error typically shows a message similar to the following:

Fatal error: Attempted to allocate 2348617 bytes but allowed memory limit of 33554432 bytes was exhausted on line xxx in the file /home/username/public html/site1/wp-includes/plugin.php

By boosting WordPress’ PHP memory limit, you can quickly resolve this memory issue. To do this, FTP into your website and locate the wp-config.php file, which you can find in your site’s root folder.

Connection Timed out Error in WordPress

If you see the “ERR CONNECTION TIMED OUT” problem in WordPress, it typically indicates that your website is attempting to do more tasks simultaneously than it can handle.

This is especially true if your website is hosted on shared hosting. Plugins that consume a lot of resources, malfunctions with your theme’s functions, and PHP memory exhaustion are some of the main reasons of this issue.

Deactivating each of your plugins individually and attempting to access your website after each deactivation will help you start troubleshooting this problem. You might discover that the error is being caused by one of your plugins.


WordPress is without a doubt one of the best platforms for creating your website. But even the most experienced users occasionally stumble into basic WordPress problems that stump them. It might be rather frightening to encounter these issues as a newbie.

WordPress issues can appear to be too difficult and technically complex, and you might not know where to begin in order to fix them.

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